The leaves are green, glossy above, fuzzy below, spirally arranged, drooping, and narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate in shape
Bright yellow. The more conspicuous floral bract are red.
The leaves are green, glossy above, fuzzy below, spirally arranged, drooping, and narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate in shape
Familia : Costaceae
Genus : Costus
Species : Costus barbatus Suess.
Plant name
Scientific name : Costus barbatus Suess.
Synonyms : Alpinia comosa, Costus comosus, Costus maritimus
Common name : Red tower ginger, spiral ginger
Costus barbatus Suess.
Habit : Herbs
Characteristic : Cone shaped upright inflorescences, red bractea
Distribution : Nigeria, Hawaii, Asia
Benefit : Ornamental and medicinal plant
Location : JICA Building FPMIPA UPI